
21 Aug

So when I was a really good vegan, and watched my gluten and other things, I had less attacks. I have no idea if it was related or not, however this summer I have been really rockin’ out on the food and drinks tip. I have gained 10 pounds, and I have attacks more frequently.  Related? Who knows, but let’s find out.

2 years ago I gave up coffee and it broke my heart. This year I gave up caffeine and again, I was sad. Now I am going to attempt to give up alcohol for awhile too–not that I drink that much, but it’s an inflammatory food, so I’ll say goodbye to that for a bit too. Sniff, sniff.

Yesterday was day one, and I had to go to a catered cocktail party last night–UGH. I managed to eat well and avoid dessert and sangria–where is my trophy?

We also added a new fancy Withings scale to the mix last night–the husband and I are going to attempt to lose the extra 10 we picked up while having fun this summer. I’ll keep you posted.


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